Kawaii Vaults

Kawaii Vaults are new innovation on KawaiiSwap platform that allows investors to earn more from farming non-native coins while still constantly increasing the value of Calcifire token.

How it works

  • The smart contract receives the initial deposit from the user and transfers it to the third party platform contract (PancakeSwap, ApeSwap etc.);

  • The initial deposit is secured, while generated rewards are automatically claimed and converted to CALCIFIRE;

  • The CALCIFIRE rewards are deposited in the Auto-compounding CALCIFIRE pool, giving the user a higher APR while protecting the initial investment.

  • The more TVL Kawaii Vaults accumulate, the more valuable CALCIFIRE token becomes!

Note! By converting staked token rewards into CALCIFIRE the new buying pressure is created. It endlessly increases the price of CALCIFIRE token while APRs of non-native pairs are still higher than on third party platforms!


The Kawaii Vault fees are as follows:

  • Deposit fees: 0%

  • Withdraw fees: 0%

  • Harvest Tax on rewards within 3 days

  • Keeper Fee: 0.5% on profits to keeper address

  • Platform fees: 1% from the profit - on project development & marketing

Audit report

KawaiiVault smart contract is audited by Solidproof. Audit report can be found here.

Kawaii Vaults APR calculations

APR is calculated through this portion of our code:

const getKawaiiAPR = (externalAPR, calcifireAPR) => {
  const dailyExternalReward = externalAPR / 36500
  const dailyCalcifireReward = calcifireAPR / 36500

  let kawaiiAPR = dailyExternalReward

  for (const i of Array(364))
      kawaiiAPR = kawaiiAPR + kawaiiAPR * dailyCalcifireReward + dailyExternalReward

  return new BigNumber (kawaiiAPR*100)

This function accumulates past earnings and multiplies them by the daily Calcifire auto-compounding Vault APR and adds earnings from the staked asset (i.e. $BANANA).

Earnings Calculator

Kawaii Vaults earnings calculator can be found here.


  • Copy this sheet to your account by clicking "File" -> "Make a copy". This will allow you to edit the sheet;

  • Open the file you just copied;

  • Edit ''Initial Investment'', ''Farm APR'' and ''Calcifire APR'' to suit your needs. To get this value, hover your mouse over the ''i'' of any vault on https://www.kawaiiswap.finance/farms;

  • The sheet will automatically recalculate when you update the values mentioned above, you don't need to update any other cell.

Kawaii Vaults are integrated with Chainlink Keepers for vault rewards conversion into Calcifire and auto-compounding. The Chainlink Keepers uses reliable automation bots to trigger a compound function on all our Kawaii Vaults when a condition has been achieved. This simplifies the user experience, as users won’t need to manually take actions to compound their yield. Chainlink provides UI with historical information when conversion and compounding events are triggered - it can be viewed here.

Last updated